pp108 : Configuring ACL for Users

Configuring ACL for Users

This topic describes the procedure to configure ACL at user level.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin.

Configuring ACLs for a user will enable you to restrict the user permissions. Depending upon the ACL configured, users are granted or denied access to applications.

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (User Manager). The User Manager window appears.
  2. Select the Users - Roles view or Users - Tasks view or Users - Teams view in the User Manager window.
  3. In the Users pane, right-click a user for which ACL has to be set and select Security.. The ACL Explorer dialog box appears and displays the existing ACLs.
  4. Click . The Access Control Set - New Access Control Set section appears.
  5. Fill the required details and click . For more information about these fields, see ACL Configuration Interface.

    Depending upon the configuration, ACL is set for the user.

    Note: To delete an ACL, right-click it and select Delete option. Alternatively, you can click in the Access Control Set section.

Related concepts

Conditional ACL

Related tasks

Creating Users
Creating Multiple Users
Cloning Users
Editing User Details
Deleting Users
Configuring ACL for Web Service Interfaces and Operations
Configuring ACL for Service Groups
Configuring ACL for LDAP Objects
Configuring ACL for Database Metadata
Configuring ACL for XMLStore Objects
Configuring ACL for Roles

Related reference

Users - Roles View
Users - Tasks View
Users - Teams View
Contact Information
Unconditional ACL
ACL Parameters
ACL Definitions
ACL Explorer Interface